Monterrey, Man on Horse. Every major Spanish city seems to have one. His information is two pictures below.
Monument of Commerce. It was unmarked but that's what the locals called it. At night it shoots a powerful red laser beam across the mountains.
Monterrey Central Park area.
Monterrey Central Park area.
Info for Man on Horse, above.
Monterrey, Central Park area, called "Fountain of Life".
Entrance to Horse Tail Falls.
Taken from the road above Horse Tail falls. You can see the falls to the lower right.
Little falls above the big falls. Also a small swimming hole.
From the top of the falls looking down. It's not that great of a picture but I went out on a limb for it, literally, so here it is.
Horse Tail falls. About 40 minutes south of Monterrey, turn right just as you are leaving Villa de Santiago. 4-5 miles up a winding road.
Horse Tail falls, longer exposure.
Side view of the rock that was on the bottom of the previous 2 pictures.
Does anybody else see a "man-bear-pig" creature in the falls? I guess it was better to name it Horse Tail falls than man-bear-pig falls.
Linares. Geeky guy at town entrance. Linares is not important enough to get a man on a horse. The frames to his glasses are broken.
Big ears.
Beginning the mountain pass from Linares to Entronque San Roberto. No surprise that it rained. The road got up to about 7,300 feet elevation.
It stopped raining for a bit so I took this.
School was out today.
More in the pass from Linares
Matehuala has an arch on each end of town. God's supposed to grab them and carry the town to heaven like a hammock. Civil engineers have their doubts.
Distinct mountain peaks overlooking Matehuala.
Matehuala gets a less geeky statue, but it's no man on a horse.
This beautiful bird was kept for sale at one of the many road side snake skin places. I guess their animal laws are a bit different than ours
On Rt 57 between Matehuala and San Luis Potosi there is about a one mile stretch of road where every 100 yards or so is one of these.
Each of these snake-product posts belongs to a different family. If you stop at one, people from the others run toward you and try to sell their stuff
Snake-skins, and the jars above are filled with snake scales, to keep you healthy, and snake oil, to cure anything of course
My mediocre hotel in San Loius Potosi.