Outside of La Venta park was a bigger public park with a lake, where this bird lives.
Natural selection has chosen white feathers for this one because the fish mistake it as just another white cloud; good camouflage.
Villa Hermosa has many of these Olmec symbols throughout the city.
There are two of these public observatory towers in the city, this one just outside La Venta.
From the top of the tower stairs looking down.
From the bottom looking up.
Movie star, he's huge in Mexico.
The other tower is in the historic center on the city side of a pedestrian bridge over Rio Grijalva.
"Cathederal of the Lord of Tabasco". It was destroyed and rebuilt in 1973. The huge bell towers outsize the tiny church, but it looks cool.
Inside the Cathedral - he just looks like he's had a bad day doesn't he?
The small church under the huge bell towers.
Funky grafitti, Villa Hermosa
These little waterfalls with many tiers are allover Villa Hermosa.
Description for following photo: "The sacred tree of the Mayas transformed into a beautiful woman that the [?something?] decapitates and mutilates.
I've seen many versions of this same thing through the Yukatan, apparently it's a Mayan legend of the sacred tree.
A small park called 'agua blanca' between Villa Hermosa and Palenque.
Main waterfall at Agua Blanca, or White Water.
I wonder how many waterfalls in Mexico have the same name?
Small park at the falls with a swimming pool and some trails where you can hike up the river and fight the mosquito's.
First look at the grounds of Palenque. The whole ruins site is surrounded by small streams and waterfalls, and Rio Otolum runs through the site.
I entered the north end of the park. My guidebook said that Chichen Itza was far more impressive than Palenque, and at this point I believed him.
These ruins were called "Queen Baths" and "Encampment".
Part of the Rio Otolum.
Typical pathway running through the park.
Description for the following picture, another pelote game court.
This area was still very wet and muddy from heavy rain the night before.
First look at The Palace, huge.
Mayan calendar. I love its simplicity - 18 months with 20 days each plus "Wayeb", a five day ceremonial period, for a total of 365 days.
First look at the Temple of the Inscriptions.
West side of the Palace, looking East.
The light at the end of the tunnel, inside one of the many passages through the Palace.
One of the rulers built this four storey tower in honour of his dead father. On the winter solstice the sun, viewed from here, sets above his crypt.
On the Palace - There are many different and very distinct areas in this building.
Another look at the Temple of Inscriptions, from the Palace.
One of the preserved tablets on a Palace wall.