Buenos Aires, Recoleta Cemetery (page 1)






            This page starts on the morning that I left Mar del Plata and the evening I arrived in Buenos Aires, and continues on in the world renowned Recoleta Cemetery.  The architecture and sculptures are amazing and I spent part of one afternoon, and the whole following afternoon wandering around taking pictures, which is why there are two pages instead of one.  The most surprising thing to me was the variation in the quality of burial sites within this cemetery city; from grandiose cathedrals and amazing statues to crumbling old brick and cob-webbed structures.  I just tried to capture a general idea of what it's like to walk through the "Cementario de la Recoleta" (Satellite view).

Click on the image and don't cry for me.


On the first day of decent weather since I arrived in Mar del Plata I left for Buenos Aires, but took a couple of pictures on the way out of town.

"The unstoppable dream in the fight for a better world!". Don Quixote and Sancho Panza.

Close-up of the Quixotic hero.

Sancho Panza - man of steel, and lard.

From my hotel on the night I arrived in Buenos Aires, very near the Obelisco in the city center.

Same shot, closer view of a fountain in the middle of Avenida 9 de Julio.

Every gringo has to get their obligatory photo of Eva Peron's burial site because it's the only famous Argentinean that most of us can name!

I totally missed her birthday. She would have been 88 this year. Duarte was her maiden name, her casket was moved here to be with her family.

Some of these burial sites are very dark, granite.

One of the many statuesque burial sites.

Near the central point of the Recoleta Cementario.

Big angels.

More statues.

Statues from different burial sites.

This one is Irish, there are several others like it and most are green, to show their Irishness.

Statue, for some guy.

Mostly in-tact.

Another brick structure.

More crosses and angels.

These folks must have been pretty important.

Captivating sculpture.

The palm tree was very specific to this site.

Another cathedral for an important family.

If I had any idea of who these folks were I could say something educational, but this guy must have been big. That's all I've got to say.

Looking through a thing, to another thing.

You can see the large stained-glass window on the back wall behind the door.

Just sort of unkempt, but not totally destroyed yet.

A little angel with a fungus beard above the door of a burial site.

Many of these burial sites have been broken into.

I bet this guy liked to give speeches.

More average types of burial sites.

Just some guy.

One of the more grandiose and well kept.

Details from the previous photo.

Near the very center of the cemetery.

Another statue.

There are dozens of cats throughout the cemetery.