Campeche to Yucatan (Chichen Itza)




              Campeche to Chichen Itza.  There will be another page for Chichen Itza within the next couple of days.  I guess that's all I've got to say about that for now.

Click on the image and clap your hands.


Delivering babies.

This is what most of the Campeche coastline looks like; not very inviting to the MTV beach crowd.

Small fishing boats at Seybaplaya, a small fishing town about 12 miles south of Campeche.

Seybaplaya has one of the only sandy beaches along this stretch of coastline and it's mostly used for fishing boats.

In Campeche - I liked the name of this boat!

A relatively typical house in Campeche, and in much of Mexico. Just a basic box with windows and a couple of rooms.

Info for the following picture, The Baluarte de San Jose El Alto.

There are 8 of these in and around the City. Pirates had regularly pillaged Campeche and in 1663 they wiped out the whole city, killing everyone.

5 years later Spain decided to fortify the city and built these between 1668 and 1700 to protect the city from pirates.

Cool guns inside the museum at the Baluarte de San Jose El Alto.

Campeche wood was the main export. For many years Campeche and Veracruz were the only two international ports in the Gulf of Mexico.

This gun shot lead balls almost as big as a golf ball. It had to be bolted down as you see here. I'd really like to try it out!

Along with the many 'Baluarte's' Spain built a huge stone wall around the city. The whole historic zone of Campeche is surrounded by them.

An artists rendering of the eagle devouring a serpent, from the symbol on the Mexican flag. I like the original better.

More firepower.

This one is on the north end of the city.

Another sunset. I thought it would be better but the clouds were too thick on the far horizon.

I had just left my air conditioned room and the cold camera lense fogged up in the hot, humid air. It was actually a clear day but I liked the effect.

San Roman church, where the Spaniards dedicated a black Jesus to the locals, who look nothing like this. The white ghost came with it.

San Francisco Convent claims that the first Catholic Mass in the Americas was held here. There's also a church in Tlaxcala making the same claim.

Inside the church. I wonder how many churches in Mexico make the claim of being the site of the first Catholic Mass??

The trip has been tough on my motorcycle but I got a new yellow helmet!

Art in Merida. It would look more cool if they had the white one on a black box and visa versa, don't you think?

Inverted upsided down comma's; art. I'm sure Merida has better art than these two things but I didn't really like the city so I didn't stay to find it

Leaving Merida and heading to Chichen Itza I was going to visit this Hacienda but it was closed.

Finally here.

All the popular tourist spots have many of these folks selling crafts. Every single one tells you that they have the lowest prices as you walk by.

Info for the following photo. This is probably the most famous Mayan structure and sort of represents Chichen Itza.

Temple of Kukulkan, or El Castillo (The Castle). I was here several years ago when you could climb it but there was a fatal fall so no more climbing.

These "feathered serpent" heads are all around Chichen Itza, on the corners of buildings, walls, and at the base of the steps of Kukulkan.

A waiter in Cancun, from Chichen Itza, insisted that the ball was still hit through the hoop by the hip alone, archeologists tend to disagree.

At 185 by 70 meters this is the largest Pelota court in the Americas, several times larger than the average of 36 by 9 meters.

At the far north end of the ball court there's a throne for important folks to watch the game.

Mysterious bearded guy on the back wall of the throne.

Original colors on the wall above the bearded guy.

The carvings along the lower wall of the court depict players being sacrificed. Some stories say the winners are killed, others say the losers.

[Each corner of the ballcourt is designed like this] Other stories say that only the captain was killed, but still conflict on the winner/loser.